Week 22

Week 22

Week 22

Taste the Future
Oct 15, 2018
3 mins

If you could look inside, you’d see your baby sucking her thumb, her sucking reflex practically perfected now. It’s nature’s way of getting her to breastfeed from birth. Read more about this week.


The colour of your baby’s eyes is decided around week 22: his irises are starting to get their pigment now though his eyes stay closed. But you won’t know the colour of her eyes until a few weeks after her birth – many babies appear to have blue eyes at birth, their true hue only becoming apparent a few weeks later. Her skin looks quite wrinkled, though it has thickened and is less transparent than it has been. It is covered with a greasy protective coating, the "vernix ", which is secreted by the sebaceous glands.  Don’t worry, it will disappear!



Your bump is getting bigger. As the baby and everything surrounding it grows heavier, the more of a strain there will be on your back. It is important to sit and stand as straight as possible. You can practise this by trying to balance a book on your head, like a model. Don’t let your pelvis tip forward as you walk or stand. You can put a small cushion behind your back to support your upright posture if you are sitting for a long time. This is the time to watch your posture: your back will thank you for it later.



Don’t overlook starches in your meals. Contrary to common belief, they do not make you fat. These “slow-burning” carbohydrates will allow you to feel fuller longer and turn your back on some of your more sugary cravings. They also give you energy, essential for you and your growing baby. If you have been advised to control your weight, you need to pay attention to quantities, as well as how you cook them. Make sure they aren’t accompanied by an excess of fats or buttery sauces. Starchy foods include potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, quinoa and semolina, as well as legumes (beans, lentils, et cet.) and most are available in a whole grain version, which is preferable.



A lot of women wonder whether they are gaining enough weight, too much weight, or not enough while pregnant. Weight gain varies from one woman to the next. Though only your doctor can advise you on the healthiest path for you, general recommendations suggest that women starting out at a “normal” weight pre-pregnancy gain between 12 and 17 pounds over the course of their pregnancy. Your weight gain is considered normal if it meets the following criteria: you gain 1 to 1.5 pounds in the first quarter and 5-6 more pounds by the end of your sixth month. You will then gain 6-10 pounds in the last trimester at a rate of around 500g per week. But, as always, remember that every case is different!

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