How to deal with morning sickness at the start of pregnancy
Morning sickness can strike at any time of day or night. Especially at the start of pregnancy. Here’s a few things that could help make the first, delicate trimester a little easier to stomach.
- Keep topped up with plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
- Eat bland starchy foods little and often. Dry crackers usually go down well.
- Try eating cold meals if the smell of hot ones causes pregnancy nausea.
- Avoid spicy or rich foods.
- Steer clear of foods that smell unpalatable.
- Always eat carbs with meals.
- Have a small snack first thing in the morning to avoid an empty stomach.
- Drink ginger tea or eat anything gingery.
- Make a note of what you eat to see if you can learn which foods trigger nausea.
- Get plenty of fresh air.
- Try to get some rest.
- Experiment with acupressure—it works for some people.
- Speak to your healthcare provider (HCP) if your urine is extremely dark.
- Speak to your HCP if your symptoms are concerning you.
- For any other aches and pains, read our checklist on pregnancy pains and discomfort.
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