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Did you know that a tendency to allergies can be hereditary?

Allergy Calculator

Did you know that a tendency to allergies can be hereditary?


If one of the parents has symptoms of allergy, the risk of developing an allergy in a baby may be even twice as high as in the case of children who do not have allergy related relatives. When both mum and dad are struggling with a food allergy, the likelihood of allergy increases even more, especially when it is hypersensitive to the same allergen! Allergy, however, can affect even children without a positive family history of this. This is because environmental factors also play a role here, for example, mother's diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the composition of the intestinal microbiota or contact with tobacco smoke.


Completing the form is voluntary, and the data entered will not be stored and processed by us. The results should always be consulted with the attending physician who will decide on further treatment.

Has any member of your family had atopic dermatitis (redness, dryness, itching, flaking)?
Did any of your family members suffer from asthma?
Has any of your family members suffered from hay fever (allergic rhinitis) or allergic conjuctivitis?
Has any member of your family had food allergies (e.g. to cow's milk protein, eggs, soy, gluten or other ingredients)?
Has any of your family members ever experienced anaphylactic shock?
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